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Searching for Weight loss diet? Here are 7 famous weight loss diets

7 Famous Weight Loss Diets Reviewed

Weight loss diet in Nashik

Many people are ready to do anything to lose weight, because being overweight not only causes physical and metal stress in the body but also reduces beauty and personality and this leads to inferiority complex in the minds of many. Lack of proper guidance and motivation is the main reason why some people do not lose weight even with a lot of effort like exercise and diet.

Obesity or weight gain is a metabolic disorder and the main reason for this is wrong or faulty lifestyle. Most of the food in such condition is converted into fat and these fats accumulates mainly in the abdomen, thighs, breasts, neck and legs and as a result the size of these parts increases and the body becomes fluffy , fatty and these extra fats interferes with daily activities.

Numbers of weight loss diets are available. But the benefits vary from person to person. You can decide which diet is right and beneficial for you with the guidance of the right expert and under his/her guidance.

Some people focus on reducing their appetite while some people consume a low-calorie, low-carb or fat restricted diet.

Since everyone claims that their diet is superior, it is difficult to know which diet to follow.

In fact, no diet is best for everyone. One diet may be good for you, but it may not be good for another.

This article briefly reviews the 7 most popular weight loss diets and the science behind them.

1. Paleo Diet -

Paleo diet- weight loss diet

The Paleo diet suggests that our diet should be similar to that of prehistoric humans before agriculture methods were developed. It states that your diet should be raw, unprocessed, non-agricultural.

The previous theory is that the cause of most modern diseases is Western diet, junk / fast food, grains, dairy products and processed foods. There is some doubt that the food used in this diet is really similar to the food eaten by humans before the development of human or agricultural techniques? But this diet works effectively in many diseases. Many people have taken its advantage.

How does Paleo diet works:

The Paleo diet focuses on whole foods, lean proteins, naturally grown leafy vegetables, fruit vegetables, tubers, fruits, nuts and seeds. This diet excludes all processed foods, sugars, dairy products and grains.

Some more flexible versions of the Paleo Diet allow dairy products such as cheese and butter, as well as tubers such as potatoes and sweet potatoes.

Weight loss with Paleo diet:

Numerous studies have shown that the Paleo diet can reduce weight and also reduce waist circumference as well as tummy fats in women.

These include the Paleo Dieters, who eat a low-carbohydrate, high-protein, and low-calorie diet of 300-900 per day.

Other Benefits of Paleo Diet-

- This diet seems to be effective in reducing the risk for heart disease such as increased cholesterol, blood sugar, elevated triglycerides and blood pressure.

Adverse Effects of paleo diet-

It involves the elimination of many nutrients from the diet, such as grains and dairy products, and there are number of dietary restrictions. So it is very difficult to follow this diet.

2. vegan diet -

Weight loss Vegan diet

Vegan diet / Vegetarian diet exclude the consumption of all animal products. Ethical, environmental and physical health is all objectives behind this diet. This diet is associated with resistance to animal exploitation and cruelty. The vegan diet is the highest level of vegetarianism.

This vegetarian system is not like our vegetarian diet. It restricts the consumption of all animal foods such as meat, mutton, fish, honey, milk and eggs. It advises to consume less processed natural foods.

Vegan diet has been shown to be very effective in terms of weight loss. This diet often burns excess body fat without counting calories, because low-fat & high-fiber diet converts fats into a source of extra energy. But today's processed diet as well as the excessive use of pesticides is somewhat of a hindrance to adhering to such a diet.

People who consume such a diet are often deficient in B-vitamins, vitamin D3, iron, calcium, omega 3 fatty acids.

Other benefits of Vegan diet:

A plant-based vegan diet reduces the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and premature death.

Stopping processed meats and diets can also reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and heart disease as well as cancer.

Weight loss diet treatment in Nashik India

3. Low-carb diet -

The low-carb diet has been popular for decades, especially for weight loss.

There are many types of low carb diets, but all include limiting the daily intake of carbohydrates to 20 to 150 grams per day. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in the body but in this diet the main purpose of this diet is to force your body to use extra body fat for fuel instead of using carbohydrates as the main source of energy.

How Low-carb diet works:

This diet strictly limits the intake of carbs in your daily diet and uses more proteins, fats and fibers in the diet. When carb intake decreases, fatty acids are transferred to your bloodstream and they travel to your liver, some of which are converted into ketones.

In the absence of carbs, your body can use fatty acids and ketones as its main source of energy.

Weight loss by low-carb diet -

Numerous studies suggest that a low-carb diet is extremely useful for weight loss, especially in overweight and obese individuals.

This diet has been found to be very effective in reducing the dangerous visceral fats and belly fats that accumulates around your organs.

People on a very low carb diet usually end up in a metabolic state called ketosis. In this stage, fat is the main source of energy in the body. This metabolic state reduces body fats and makes the body lighter and more active. Several studies have found that a ketogenic diet results in twice as much weight loss as other low-fat, calorie-restricted diets.

Other benefits of low-carb diet:

A low-carb diet reduces your appetite and makes you less hungry, which automatically reduces calorie intake.

In addition, a low-carb diet lowers the risk of many major diseases, such as excess level of blood triglycerides, cholesterol levels, blood sugar levels, diabetes, and blood pressure.

Negative side of low-carb diet:

A low-carb diet is not suitable for everyone. It is very difficult for vegetarians to follow such a diet, as all vegetarian foods contain some carbs. In some people, a high-fat diet can cause the body to experience a rise in harmful LDL cholesterol.

On very rare occasions, even a low-carb diet can lead to a serious condition called non-diabetic keto-acidosis. The condition is more common in breastfeeding women and can be fatal if left untreated.

However, a low-carb diet is safe for most people. Just take it under the right guidance.

4. The Dukan diet -

The Dukan diet is a high-protein, low-carb weight loss diet. This diet is divided into 4 stages. Two weight loss stages and two maintenance stages.

How many days / hours you will stay in each phase depends on your weight loss goal.

Each stage has a specific diet.

How Dukan diet works:

Stages of weight loss are mainly based on eating high-protein foods and mandatory oat bran.

In other stages, vegetables without starch (another type of carb) are included in the diet followed by some carbs and fats in the diet. Then, in the last stage, a diet with very little pure protein is taken to maintain your new weight loss.

According to one study, women who followed Dukan's diet ate about 1000 calories and 100 grams of protein per day and lost an average of 10 to 12 kg in 8-10 weeks.

This diet increases the metabolic rate and decreases the hunger hormone ghrelin.

Due to decrease in ghrelin hormone appetite reduces and as a response person eats less.

The Dukan diet limits both fats and carbs and is not scientific but according to it’s followers this diet is very effective.

This can lead to weight loss due to increased metabolism and severe calorie restriction, but it always causes significant damage to the muscles in the body.

Loss of muscle mass and severe caloric restriction can cause energy to accumulate in your body and cause you to regain weight.

5. Ultra-low-fat diet -

Ultra Low fat diet in marathi

A low-fat diet limits the amount of fat in your daily diet to 10% of calories.

Typically a low fat diet provides approximately 30% of calories through this fat.

Some studies suggest that this diet is not suitable for long-term weight loss.

Proponents of the ultra-low-fat diet claim that the traditional low-fat diet is not really low in fat. And for health benefits and weight loss that fat intake must be less than 10% of total calories intake.

How ultra low fat diet works:

A high-fat diet provides 10% or fewer calories from fat. Such diets are mostly plant-based and there is very limited use of animal products in it.

So the amount of carbs in this diet is usually very high - about 80% calories - and low protein - 10% calories.

Weight Loss by ultra low fat diet:

This diet has been shown to be very successful in weight loss in obese individuals. An 8-week study found that followers of this diet (means 7 to 14% amount of fat diet) lost an average of 7 to 8 kg in 8 weeks.

Other benefits of ultra low fat diet:

Studies show that a low-fat diet can reduce the risk of heart disease, including high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

This high-carb, low-fat diet can also significantly improve type 2 diabetes.

Negative Consequences of ultra low fat diet:

Fat restriction can cause long-term problems, as fat plays a very important role in our body, including helping to build cell membranes and hormones. Fats are also essential for our body to absorb vitamins that dissolve in fat.

Furthermore, a low-fat diet limits the intake of many healthy foods, as well as the lack of variety, making it extremely difficult to follow such a diet for more days.

6. Atkins Diet -


The Atkins diet is one of the most well-known low-carb weight loss diet.

This diet was invented and promoted by Dr. Robert C. Atkins. He published this diet theory in a book in 1972 and has since become very popular.

Sir Atkins claims that you can lose weight by eating as much protein and fats as you want in your diet. The only condition is to avoid carbs.

The main reason behind more effectiveness of low-carb diets is that they reduce your appetite. And because of this, followers of this diet consume fewer calories in their diet.

How Atkins diet works:

The Atkins diet is divided into four stages. This diet starts from the induction phase, during which you are allowed to eat 20 grams of carbs per day for two weeks. This diet changes main source of energy in the body from carbohydrates to fats, and transforms the body into a fat burning machine.

Other steps include gradually returning to a healthy carb diet. Once the weight loss goal is achieved, you can slowly increase the carbs a little by little and keep them in such quantity that they will not gain weight again. This last stage is called as maintenance phase.

Importance of Atkins diet for weight loss:

A detailed look at the results of the Atkins diet has shown that it loses weight faster than other diets.

Other studies have found that a low-carb diet is very helpful for weight loss. This diet is especially beneficial for reducing belly fats, even the slowest-reducing abdominal fats also reduces with this diet.

Other Benefits: Numerous studies have shown that the Atkins diet, like other low-carb diets, can reduce many risk factors for diseases such as blood triglycerides, cholesterol, blood sugar, insulin, and blood pressure.

Negative results of Atkins:

Like other low carb diets, the Atkins diet is safe and healthy for many people but can rarely cause problems in some individuals. Keto-flu is not tolerated by most people at the beginning of this diet. Keto flu is condition after starting this diet which has symptoms such as fatigue, weakness and headache.

Summary: The Atkins Diet is a low-carb weight loss diet as well as it reduces the risk factors for other diseases.

7. Intermittent Fasting -

intermittent fasting in marathi

Intermittent fasting is type of fasting, which involves a certain period of complete fasting during a day or week.

This diet method controls the duration of the diet rather than controlling any food items.

The most popular ways of intermittent fasting are:

- The 16/8 method-

Intermittent fasting

This diet consists of skipping breakfast and limiting your daily meal to eight hours, followed by fasting for the remaining 16 hours of the day. If you eat at 11 o'clock in the morning, you should eat dinner before 7 o'clock and after 7 o'clock you should not eat anything till 11 o'clock the next day and you should not drink anything except water.

There is complete fasting for 16 hours daily. This diet is very helpful to lose weight in gents.

- The eat-stop-eat method

Intermittent fasting eat stop eat method

This method involves fasting once or twice a week for 24 hours without eating anything. This fast is done twice a week at intervals of 1 or 2 days in a row. Means if you eat lunch at 11 am today then you should not eat anything up to 11 am until tomorrow.

And this 24 hours fasting should be done twice a week but these two days must have gap of 1 or 2 days.

- The 5:2 diet -

Intermittent fasting 5:2 method

This method includes eating a diet with only 500 to 600 calories for two days in a week. Such 500 to 600 calorie diet days should not be consecutive. For the remaining five days we can eat everything in the diet.

- The Warrior Diet -

Intermittent fasting the warrior diet

This method of diet is expected to include a small amount of raw fruits and raw vegetables during the day and a full meal at dinner. It must be followed daily till your weight loss goal.

How Intermittent Fasting works -

Intermittent Fasting is an easy calorie restricted diet for weight loss. This method is relatively simple, as it often does not require much calorie counting or dietary restrictions.

This diet makes you eat fewer calories overall. But Weight loss here will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.

This diet has been found to reduce body weight by 3-8% in a period of 3 to 24 weeks, which is much better than other weight loss diets.

Compared to other low calorie diets, this diet reduces the amount of muscle loss in the body and can increase your metabolic rate by 3.6% to 14% in a short period of time.

Other benefits: Intermittent fasting can reduce swelling, cholesterol levels, blood triglycerides, and blood sugar levels.

In addition, regular fasting increases human growth hormone (HGH) levels and increases insulin sensitivity, as well as cell repair processes.

Side effects of intermittent fasting:

Although intermittent fasting is safe for healthy people, it is not suitable for everyone. Some studies have found that this diet is not as beneficial for women as it is for men.

In addition, the following persons should avoid such fasting -

Intermittent fasting should be avoided by people with low blood sugar levels, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, adolescents, children and people who are malnourished, underweight or undernourished.

These 7 popular diet types are very useful for weight loss, but it is very important to follow these diets under expert doctor’s proper guidance. Exercise and regular motivation from an expert is also important for weight loss. If you want to lose weight and want to maintain that weight then you should follow the guidance of an expert because the maintenance phase after losing weight is just as important as loosing the weight.

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