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Ayurvedic treatment for Irritable bowel Syndrome - IBS

Ayurvedic treatment for Irritable bowel Syndrome in Nashik

Ayurvedic treatment for Irritable bowel Syndrome is very effective and considered as best treatment compared to other systems of medicine. Ayurvedic Herbs are completely safe and effective without causing any side effects.

Irritable bowel Syndrome is function disease of Digestive organs and intestine.

There are 2 main conditions found in IBS, one is diarrhoea prone and another one is constipation prone.

Frequent urge to pass stool, 8 to 10 motions in a day, abdominal discomfort, bloating, gases, sticky stool etc are some of Symptoms of IBS.

It also cause hyperacidity, indigestion, reflux esophagitis etc.

In a Ayurveda this disease is correlated with Grahani. There are 7 types of Grahani disease and each type must be treated with unique medicines.

Ayurvedic treatment for Irritable bowel Syndrome is always personalized by considering patients body type, digestive power, age, nadi pariksha etc.

Each IBS patient is unique and must be treated with Ayurvedic principles of treatment of Grahani.

We at Ayushman Bhava Ayurveda Clinic Nashik for Ayurvedic treatment of IBS, always stick to the principles mentioned in Ayurveda books.

We have very successful stories of IBS treatment.

Ayurvedic Doctor in Nashik

Dr. Yogesh Chavan MD Ayu. is experienced and one of the best Ayurvedic Doctor for Ayurvedic treatment of IBS. He has cured many patients successfully with Ayurvedic treatment and Panchakarma.

Visit clinic for Consultation or book video consultation on following link



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